Add script to your page:

<script src="js/film-noise-min.js"></script>

Now Film Noise is ready for use!

Basic Usage and Settings
Create an empty DIV and give it an ID (e.g. "DIV_ID"). Create a Film Noise instance, indicating just DIV ID:

var noise = new FilmNoise("DIV_ID");

Done! This code creates Film Noise using default settings. To have control over settings you should specify preset:

var noise = new FilmNoise("DIV_ID", preset);

preset can be either preset name or custom preset in special format.
Using preset name means that you want to apply one of built-in presets. Using, say, the "60s" preset would look like this:

var noise = new FilmNoise("DIV_ID", "60s");

You can see the full list of built-in presets on the main page under menu "Presets".
If you don’t want to use any of built-in presets, you should create custom preset. The best way to do this is to generate preset with our Noise Editor. Another approach is to take any preset we've prepared and modify it manually.
Documentation contains step-by-step instructions for all these things.

The main purpose of the Film Noise is to be an overlay for a certain background. Of course, with minimal knowledge of HTML/CSS, you can manually place Film Noise over any web elements and it will work. But Film Noise has also built-in tools to set image, video or slideshow as a background.
Let's think we've already created Film Noise instance using one of the above code examples. Below is an example of setting a background image:


Here's how to set a background video:


You can see the result in the header of this web page.
To set background slideshow, use this template:

noise.setSlideshow(folder, [slide_1, slide_2, ... , slide_N]);

Here folder is a path to the image folder and [slide_1, slide_2, ... , slide_N] is a slide list. Each slide is a property set that can be either written manually or generated with our Slide Editor. Documentation contains a detailed description of slide settings and Slide Editor. There you will also learn how to use Slideshow as a standalone plugin (i. e. without creating Film Noise instance).

Advanced Usage
You can affect Film Noise instance after it has been created. For example, you can add more blots, remove some scratches, make grain less visible, change frame rate, and more. Documentation contains a complete list of Film Noise methods and properties.